What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 24 May, 2023




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We have all seen that developers sometimes set z-index values to 999, 99999, etc to ensure that an element always remains on top.

In this article, we will discuss the maximum and minimum values for the CSS z-index property.

z-index: It is the CSS property that defines the stack level of positioned elements in the current stacking context i.e. elements with a smaller z-index are covered by elements with a larger z-index.

  • The keyword auto or an <integer> is used to set the z-index property.
  • Elements with any position besides static are affected by the z-index.

The maximum and minimum value for the z-index in most browsers is limited to a signed 32-bit value i.e. from −2147483648 to +2147483647.

Example: In this example, we will see the maximum and minimum values for the z-index.


<!DOCTYPE html>




.container {

position: relative;


.box1 {

background-color: green;

position: absolute;

z-index: -1;

height: 200px;

width: 200px;


.box2 {

background-color: blue;

position: absolute;

left: 50px;

z-index: 0;

height: 100px;

width: 300px;


.box3 {

background-color: red;

position: absolute;

left: 150px;

top: 50px;

z-index: 1;

height: 120px;

width: 250px;





<h2 style="color:green">




<p>max and min value of z-index</p>


<div class='container'>

<div class='box1'></div>

<div class='box2'></div>

<div class='box3'></div>





What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks (3)

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What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks (5)

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What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

The maximum value of the z-index property is equal to 2147483647, and the minimum value is -2147483647.

What is the maximum and minimum value of the z-index? ›

The maximum and minimum value for the z-index in most browsers is limited to a signed 32-bit value i.e. from −2147483648 to +2147483647.

What is the maximum size of z-index in CSS? ›

The maximum range is ±2147483647. In CSS code bases, you'll often see z-index values of 999, 9999 or 99999.

What is the default value of the z-index property in CSS? ›

z-index can also take the value auto, which sets the stacking level of the element to 0, the default value.

What is the z-index property in CSS? ›

Z Index ( z-index ) is a CSS property that defines the order of overlapping HTML elements. Elements with a higher index will be placed on top of elements with a lower index. Note: Z index only works on positioned elements ( position:absolute , position:relative , or position:fixed ).

What is the maximum and minimum Z score? ›

Z-scores can take on any value between to , but when considering the empirical rule it is highly unlikely that they will go beyond -3 and 3. This is a common "minimum" and "maximum" used when considering the range of possible values in a distribution. For a more complete range, some will use -6 to 6.

Why is z-index 9999? ›

Often z-index is given arbitrary "high enough" number to be reasonably sure element would be really on top. It doesn't have to be this high, 9999 just makes sure if there is by a chance element with z-index 9998, 3000, 100 ...etc. (anything below 9999) - it will be above it.

What is the rule of z-index in CSS? ›

Definition and Usage. The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order.

What is the best practice of using z-index in CSS? ›

If you want to create a custom stacking order, you can use the z-index property on a positioned element. Note: When no z-index property is specified, elements are rendered on the default rendering layer (Layer 0).

What is the largest number in the z-index? ›

The maximum value of the z-index property is equal to 2147483647, and the minimum value is -2147483647.

What is z-index 0 in CSS? ›

z-index:0 is always the "default layer" (the layer in which all elements without an explicit z-index reside), and z-index:auto means: "Sets the stack order equal to its parent".

What is the default value of CSS property? ›

The initial value of a CSS property is its default value, as listed in its definition table in the specification. The usage of the initial value depends on whether a property is inherited or not: For inherited properties, the initial value is used on the root element only, as long as no specified value is supplied.

What is z-index in CSS interview questions? ›

Define z-index.

This is one of the most frequently asked CSS interview questions. Z-index is used to specify the stack order of elements that overlap each other. Its default value is zero and can take both negative and positive values. A higher z-index value is stacked above the lower index element.

Can z-index be negative? ›

You can have negative z-index

This often means layering elements on top of each other, with ever-increasing values of z-index . To place an element on a layer below another one, it just has to have a lower value of z-index but that lower value can be negative.

How to avoid z-index? ›

Z-index can be avoided in the vast majority of cases

We have a yellow square and a red square. We added a z-index of 1 so that the yellow square appears on top. However, we can achieve the exact same outcome by simply rearrange the order of the div's and getting rid of the z-index.

Why is my z-index not working? ›

TL;DR: the most common cause for z-index not working is not explicitly declaring a CSS position value (i.e. position: relative, absolute, fixed or stick) on the element. But if this hasn't solved your z-index issue or just want to get a little more information about the CSS property, then let's go a little deeper.

What is the maximum range of Z score? ›

A raw score as a Z-score can also be called a standard score and it can be placed on a normal distribution curve. Z-scores range from -3 standard deviations up to +3 standards. A Z-score can help us in determining the difference or the distance between a value and the mean value.

How do you find the minimum value of z? ›

To find the maximum and minimum values of z, solve the given system of equations and plot the inequalities on a graph to determine the feasible region. Substitute each corner point of the shaded area into the optimization equation z = -x + 5y to calculate the values of z.

What is the maximum z-index in Safari? ›

2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647

What is the limit of the z value? ›

Z-scores generally range from -3 standard deviations (which would fall to the far left of the normal distribution curve) up to +3 standard deviations (which would fall to the far right of the normal distribution curve).

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.