Woodward Daily Press from Woodward, Oklahoma (2024)

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SATURDAY AVGUST 29 1931 THE WOODWARD DAILY PRESS WOODWARD OKLAHOMA PAur POUR ji Trade Industry Marked Tinie in July 1 ail MINN WI5 OKLAHOMA CITY OAK OKLAHOMA CITY a i 1 1 1 on no I by NB Ul AH who Colo I i'u iit that A IlK Coif Trophies Shown GT! I OS July i' the count without hi I ciunioi'o ITnniiigtoti The Smart i dun Hll IKU't I wi To LUNCH the Hem i i igt on officials I some other ohi! hilled gJ'O'l unprofitable goe: aimed from for Kowoino Island in the In Ther said the nov Scarce In New York 'i new book OKLAHOMA Cl TY Am of Oklahoma mu I ratal humi A Mr lesson of human econom I sf TIMES TODAY 0 but a for Oi Richard Dix and lady the Jackie Cooper farmers Sell Through The Want Ads his in The youngster: Dr Darwin performed a ton vug HOLLYWOOD Kid il Mis COMING enjoyable nt Mr lhe the publisher is not JAILER IS BETTER summer months with The alligator visit three JOINS MOYNIHAN I'OltCE of Mr and rs John Harris from nine not return indicate that the Uni can Bridge Parlies I i I SPECIALS and Mrs but MERIT only should win It io return with Genevieve IT'S LEW GREATEST! AND ADDED ATTRACTIONS OR Daiiy Press Want Ads i his round 'oHyannh This map number of the this CHENOWETH 0 RT VARY tinne Wis Aug Beaumont going I tier both men and women real pleasure in lunching a His whole happiness hung on her word Jailer Jividon is report (hl Somewhat improved though he i confined to his lied 1 1 is sun tending to his court house diitii or Has Newspaper As Locale won take NMEX Did his vision of glorious love come true? AR WARD IS LAYED BY CORE PRAIRIE DC CHIEN 20 (LT) Dr William Army siirgcon win Telling fortune': 2u00 years ago NATIONAL CASH REGISTER BOYS atwin am COTTON OUTPUT REDUCED THIRDi Negotiations Started or Busi ness Of Remington Aims Compan" KM Osborne of Cimmaron Kan and Henry Neff of Coldwater stop ped in Woodward today for a short visit with Dr Silverthorne who was a neighbor to Mr Osborne in Kansas more than 30 years ago The Kansas visitors were enroute home from a trip to Texas given tournament So nd Hotel Baker COEE SHOP BE (C Pl Register Coin 'll is tending St Martin ageur for the American Eur Company at Mackinac 'was wounded in the ab domen in 1X22 Dr Beaumont then stationed at Mackinac attended him 'The wound healed leaving valve like opening which could be depressed Jayhawk Squad Hard Hit By Graduations Ice Company aess visitor i Siher Wil Sinned Against I Principle Of Economy Sinclair Oil company was bln day by the goerimr lor tne the oil companies in nimting Mr and Mrs George Maxted and Miss Eva Scrambling are home from a very enjoyable motor trip through Washington Oregon and California They wore away more than four from a two ALTADENA Phvsicians Groun To Honor Army Surgeon () DR DARWIN the WOODWARD THEATRIC BLDG Office Phone IS Res Phone 208 NEW YORK Aug The National Cash So quiet and restful Such food Daintily prepared The importance of tlie hotel busi ness will be illustrated to Chamber of Commerce members Monday with Social Gatherings Anni and to "top off" that delicious dinner any day in the week STEEN'S Delicious Ice Cream is THE culture president today tn uneed induction of 300 000 bales in I lie mated output of Oklalioma cotton Tim estimated yield is 3203 St an unusual Martin angry Then it was that the doctor observed an unusual amount of bile mixed with the food concluding that violent passion affected diges tion noticeably lie reported that St Martin who lived for r8 years after his accident was a hard drinker He was agreeable to taking food throughthe stomach opening but insisted on drinking his whisky keeper at the Moynihan 'and Heating company to succeed Miss Mildred McDowell whoso marriage to Air Eddie Harrison of Wichita alls Tex is an approaching event State Yield But 92(161(1 Ik ederal Corn Estimate Lower Mrs I': Altus for Tobin i her mot her "gCI'D 4 iws discovers the existing situation that he takes matters into I is own hands j'game liunting next your going after giant lizards instead of winged Dorothy Peterson Richard ocker and other favorites Directed by MONTA BELL from his own original story two of the most popular of screen's newer players appear in production which is a powerful drama told against the seething ac tivities of a great newspaper office The story is a constant succession of dramatic situations brought about by the exist once of eternal' tri in which the cub reportei and 7:30 EDDINGS BAKERS COLORADO SPRINGS Aug 1 LT ixployees of the Anwrtcim Company Imre would appro I elate hint Boyle Brothers 28 Years Serving Woodward Phone 72 or 81 jgioao eeStiper have a fair he said we have a tough schedule Right now vou can guess just as well as 1 can who be on the club and and MrsTlay Chase and l'am I Tex are of his moi her tKSBURG Ya Aug 23 As police awaited the promts When the nrmv surgeon was Iran ferred to Port Crawford he hired Martin and brought the man and family here in order to continue 'studies of digestion Beaumont's experiments included removal of gastric juice from St Martin's stomach and the suspension of food in the stomach through the opening The gastric juice was placed in vials with similar foods and main tained at stomach temperature while the action was compared with true: stomach digestion Sometimes 0 0 Prompt ree Delivery All cJamc JU urn A Killin' OMJiree Mriy Answer or Another Graduation took its toll When Bausch al I 1 )i Six halfback and storm center in the nro fessionalism row which threatened for a time to split the conference and Captain Charles Smoot all llig Six center passed along Hargiss was left with two gaping holes in las eleven A success to Smooth known for three years as the smoothest passer in the conference looms in Bausch brother of Jim who is rated as the 'equal of Smoot provided he can escape the groin injury which kept him on the bench all last season Blit it will be harder Io fill the shoes of Dorsey Baker Manager Baker And States Hotels On Program Deduction of 1 0000 000 bushels o( corn from the federal estimate I'oi Gklalionia also was made placing the yield at 354 1 ODO bushels gi ter business of the Arms Company it was amtoimi'ed to day by the latter company Terms of' the sale or the consider nrmr supper lite party also in Vici before returning home This favorite of the millions star of "All Quiet on the Western to and never 'had a better chance to show his power to move your hearts and stir your pulses than in this tem pestuous story of hot blooded love against lhe power of A UNIVERSAL PICTURE presented by Carl Laemmle Young TRY OUR HOME COOKED MEALS Prices Reasonable HOLIDAY INN Murder A No Admission Charge Hiid they bi lieved A IOWA Swt KANS i vi of the iLiil i diimii Walker Js Sure Of That: eu uiii Know The i A nion I AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone At Any Hour 46 Twd daughters of Mr Culler 'Betty Jean and Thelma today their grandparents Mr and Mrs Cutler in Anth i ny Kan lip Yz miilitv nmutlily business review in I lu 'iness published by theif 3 i me re' nt' the lmilod I VV iSanLE TGKiO 1 1 I KJ I 1 1 1 I I At red Kempf Shop Mr and Mrs Bleckley are transacting business in Tulsa was' conducted with tlie coom 1 muim ipal statisl ical bureaus Thomas Gore Oklahoma's blind Senator that federal board Miss Margaret Heaton Miss Vili I ginii' Stiiai't and Mrs A Stuart robable ineligibility of several stars sharmi riday evening where hardly hope to repeat Even Homer Woodson Hargiss the I Eagle who coached last winners refused to become enthusiastic over the prospects for McDonald Drug WE DELIVER Rx 160 Del 40 Mr and Mrs Eloyd Armstrong of Emd were in Woodward today rn roiue to Supply for weekend visit with relai ivos Mr Armstrong will join Judge Bird here Monday for a one dav session of district court lie Is Keeping Uotnpanies Young BOV Twins Al I I oil I illl'CHlIg 1 UM Oil Price airsyMB maL'S it rates much that it will be I'li'iilt to determine a just rate YORK Aug under one year of age are i the provi'i'bial day in June I to Erank Heath' movie! Monday marks the opening of for the I niversal love drama which has been described as one of the outstanding jictures of the 1 'H tmUt current season and which comes to the Woodward the 'lire for an engage I BUY SiCLAiRi io bo still if touitinT OIN WO RATLS te advantage ot tlie I iiv I less I i TO COKE DOB' Mis Jcadcipl Traveling Alligator Worries Expressmen LEMON CUSTARD Chocolate Vanilla Black Walnut Orange and Pineapple SJierbet Strawberry Zane Grey lay Go To Kokoma or Material 0 i The Popular Indoor Snort Matched Game Tonite ryaii and Mr: Hotlvwood1: di V'jAtZku i Jicu fcj to come down Wnlker ehuirman poraton commissi Ho was' iimihb' represents business conditions in every state in the Union as set forth in the Septomlg Business ollieial publication of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States ry marki'd time ia er and swopmed undeipi rk of heat mid Im mamifae (1'ei'iie his ov and States Hoti Is the speaker were or the amount of money investedC(lllll the hotel industry ranks fifth Gross business is ninth in the stomach of Alexis St Martin a century ago will bo honored by a me morial to lie dedicated Aug 30 State phvsicians have contributed io the fund providing a huge botildi of Wisconsin granite ''earing a bronz placque briefly de bing his cell i wvo 'f OIL WIE i TAKES OWN LIEi Mrs Rogers llttd Threat ened Suicide Divorced IIus btt'id Declares of Ct'dariL'ili' Ahnray ivi iiK ii Sinclair HOTEL OWNER IS OC SPEAKER ddmg Oklahoman Will Leave Partner '1 At Home or Solo light 1 3 V' vjs i 1 I AHU7 li I I T' ('f ll TWA ty Arar Jw Jr A'" Last Tf)Cy Vi i Sffl Cai ttG'Kf 'J 1 A 3J I i rG I I 'I I (A I I 0 I 1A tp Ji HEXT OR PO 1 JU like an arrav id on disnlav 'it red irinu bin it is the attraciB a piizi's and i ps Ip in 1 1 ibnr I Div 'ami Mommy bent nponstn el hy wilov 1'osl wluLa month ln Woodward Golt club lh( fll 's i A narual bsl ot award' to be iiimlc A Wnl pm H) i in latti iNlwo coinnb'di I staiistiu'i showiiiu' iiicroasvd in takings hand im Imu a loeii marked 1' innturiuis bv mamUaulunTN bail Mi Hmiabl stiu 1 1 1 1 i iho mid sliol 11 il fb lardwaru: UIV H' IM 1 Miftcr a dm lirif' in umt imU pm isli City Electric Shop bag paiuu He plms 1 iHiiUuf uipa'iy H'Uli uii free 1 Wumlward ianain store neck tiuisolo I'HjrliL soimtiniu during th I lie iew cuiiEn tiijjjH gain 32 per uphI iveniol tu Star Model luck Goodyear libber rj St attle to Tokio a tfomi sliowing as fuK early AuuijN Jul pig nTHU goif Son Men stonyi Vial anil llltlis th I I trt lilf'tU'O ei 1 1 1 i ai i "1 1 1 1 I wore active ottoh nulls were busier trade such aciiiiy msiUa I'hishligld than a iNlim rics of raw riilrd cmul ii tlip sui'iHrr i'Sui'ulw uleciiir i i Ic Tiw tl Drice in silk Io nulls showed ('ll or 1 1 neo i n'i i rJ On 1 l' dex numbers Mr (Iren observe Ijarimifii nt despite strike 1 1 1 i In maud' for structural steel for puhli'i Ti ophes will however were smmortod bv better silt rpg ct a i and uirii seem to show tho most lesih i I lot prices for livestock provisions lentil prices weie cited as an offset to the mv in tho imlrmtrw" sms: I group of dentists Wo Abbott II I rt iwi I 1 1 1 i 1 1 fU I I i I' ml I ri'T' oi alay visited Wood veiy Says I i ft SilVS i mis i aagur ami son al i oi lain wi re c' TULSA Aug 29 (UU) Six in Woodward Iasi night mmiilis field study of agricultural in tlu1 oui Im Oft lias convincotl Sin riti and Alis Ltm Larnult mil ha LfuiiP' to 1 a i i ri iglit dor their home abera 1 visit in Wo adv a rd in he lioiuo of Mr rmd Mrs 1 llon Hl :1 Ukiiis ke Cream how to keep a i 111 haij'y 'I I I shipped Kfi foSL 111 to Holcomb The I iSL I A I U1 I 1 lit I I it I I I II till! UI no loca'e Holcomb and consequently 'B still has the reptile I i I Direcmns on Lie shipping crateM 1 I said io fet'd tlie animal which is three ill MH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (t I 'tv i it 1 1 i a vj 'Tz7fcSrtv' j11 til are Mr and Mis Chiyton Underkof 1 pounds twice a wool Officials at alE B1 flor and son Garih i local zoo recommended nmat awl fish I r'''v fiver once a'g as 1 speem mmaey Sell Through The Prpss Want Ads I'j MKH I mi i to.

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Woodward Daily Press from Woodward, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6540

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.